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Dalcq J, Pasque V, Ghaye A, Larbuisson A, Motte P,
Martial JA, Muller M.
RUNX3, EGR1 and SOX9B Form
a Regulatory Cascade Required to Modulate BMP-
Signaling during Cranial Cartilage Development in
PLoS One 2012;7:e50140.
de Nijs L, Wolkof N, Coumans B, Delgado-Escueta
AV, Grisar T, Lakaye B.
Mutations of EFHC1, linked to
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, disrupt radial and tan-
gential migrations during brain development.
Mol Genet 2012;21:5106-17.
Demoulin S, Roncarati P, Delvenne P, Hubert P.
duction of large numbers of plasmacytoid dendritic
cells with functional activities from CD34(+) hema-
topoietic progenitor cells: use of interleukin-3
. Exp
Hematol 2012;40:268-78.
Desmet CJ, Ishii KJ.
Nucleic acid sensing at the inter-
face between innate and adaptive immunity in vac-
. Nat Rev Immunol 2012;12:479-91.
Detry B, Erpicum C, Paupert J, Blacher S, Maillard C,
Bruyere F, Pendeville H, Remacle T, Lambert V, Bal-
sat C, Ormenese S, Lamaye F, Janssens E, Moons L,
Cataldo D, Kridelka F, Carmeliet P, Thiry M, Foidart
JM, Struman I, Noël A.
Matrix metalloproteinase-2
governs lymphatic vessel formation as an interstitial
Blood 2012;119:5048-56.
Detry O, Janssen N, Cheramy-Bien JP, Cavalier E,
Defraigne JO, Delanaye P, Lambermont B.
Efects of
Large-Pore Hemofltration in a Swine Model of Ful-
minant Hepatic Failure
. Artif Organs 2012.
Dickens MJ, Balthazart J, Cornil CA.
Brain Aromatase
and Circulating Corticosterone are Rapidly Regula-
ted by Combined Acute Stress and Sexual Interac-
tion in a Sex-Specifc Manner.
J Neuroendocrinol
Drion G, Franci A, Seutin V, Sepulchre R.
A novel
phase portrait for neuronal excitability.
PLoS One
Dubois E, Jacoby M, Blockmans M, Pernot E, Schif-
mann SN, Foukas LC, Henquin JC, Vanhaesebroeck
B, Erneux C, Schurmans S.
Developmental defects
and rescue from glucose intolerance of a catalyti-
cally-inactive novel Ship2 mutant mouse.
Cell Signal
Dumont B, Castronovo V, Peulen O, Bletard N, Clezar-
din P, Delvenne P, De Pauw EA, Turtoi A, Bellahcene A.
Diferential proteomic analysis of a human breast
tumor and its matched bone metastasis identifes
cell membrane and extracellular proteins associated
with bone metastasis
. J Proteome Res 2012;11:2247-
Durieux R, Lavigne JP, Sprynger M, Defraigne JO.
Mycotic innominate artery pseudoaneurysm com-
plicating mitral endocarditis.
Eur J Cardio-thorac
Durkin K, Coppieters W, Drogemuller C, Ahariz N,
Cambisano N, Druet T, Fasquelle C, Haile A, Horin P,
Huang L, Kamatani Y, Karim L, Lathrop M, Moser S,
Oldenbroek K, Rieder S, Sartelet A, Solkner J, Stal-
hammar H, Zelenika D, Zhang Z, Leeb T, Georges M,
Charlier C.
Serial translocation by means of circular
intermediates underlies colour sidedness in cattle.
Nature 2012;482:81-4.
Florins A, de Brogniez A, Elemans M, Bouzar AB, Fran-
cois C, Reichert M, Asquith B, Willems L.
Viral ex-
pression directs the fate of B cells in bovine leukemia
virus-infected sheep
. J Virol 2012;86:621-4.
Geenen V.
Presentation of neuroendocrine self in the
thymus: a necessity for integrated evolution of the
immune and neuroendocrine systems
. Ann N Y Acad
Sci 2012;1261:42-8.
Gillet N, Carpentier A, Barez PY, Willems L.
defciency inhibits HTLV-1 Tax oncogenesis: novel the-
rapeutic prospects for treatment of ATL?
logy 2012;9:115.
Godin JD, Thomas N, Laguesse S, Malinouskaya L,
Close P, Malaise O, Purnelle A, Raineteau O, Camp-
bell K, Fero M, Moonen G, Malgrange B, Chariot A,
Metin C, Besson A, Nguyen L.
p27(Kip1) is a microtu-
bule-associated protein that promotes microtubule
polymerization during neuron migration.
Dev Cell
Guenin S, Mouallif M, Deplus R, Lampe X, Krusy N,
Calonne E, Delbecque K, Kridelka F, Fuks F, Ennaji MM,
Delvenne P.
Aberrant Promoter Methylation and
Expression of UTF1 during Cervical Carcinogenesis.
PLoS One 2012;7:e42704.
Hacha J, Tomlinson K, Maertens L, Paulissen G, Rocks
N, Foidart JM, Noël A, Palframan R, Gueders M, Ca-
taldo DD.
Nebulized anti-IL-13 monoclonal antibody
Fab’ fragment reduces allergen-induced asthma
. Am
J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2012;47:709-17.
Hanson J, Gille A, Ofermanns S.
Role of HCA(2)
(GPR109A) in nicotinic acid and fumaric acid
ester-induced efects on the skin.
Pharmacol Ther
Herfs M, Hubert P, Poirrier AL, Vandevenne P, Renoux
V, Habraken Y, Cataldo D, Boniver J, Delvenne P.
fammatory cytokines induce bronchial hyperplasia
and squamous metaplasia in smokers: implications
for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease therapy.
Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol 2012;47:67-79.
Herfs M, Yamamoto Y, Laury A, Wang X, Nucci
MR, McLaughlin-Drubin ME, Munger K, Feldman S,
McKeon FD, Xian W, Crum CP.
A discrete population
of squamocolumnar junction cells implicated in the
pathogenesis of cervical cancer.
P Natl Acad Sci USA
Host L, Paye A, Detry B, Blacher S, Munaut C, Foidart
JM, Seiki M, Sounni NE, Noël A.
The proteolytic acti-
vity of MT4-MMP is required for its pro-angiogenic
and pro-metastatic promoting efects
. Int J Cancer
Hulin A, Deroanne C, Lambert C, Defraigne JO, Nus-
gens B, Radermecker M, Colige A.
Emerging pathoge-
nic mechanisms in human myxomatous mitral valve:
lessons from past and novel data.
Cardiovasc Pathol
Hulin A, Deroanne CF, Lambert CA, Dumont B, Cas-
tronovo V, Defraigne JO, Nusgens BV, Radermecker
MA, Colige AC.
Metallothionein-dependent up-regu-
lation of TGF-beta2 participates in the remodelling
of the myxomatous mitral valve.
Cardiovasc Res
Huynh-Thu VA, Saeys Y, Wehenkel L, Geurts P.
cal interpretation of machine learning-based feature
importance scores for biomarker discovery.
matics 2012;28:1766-74.