GIGA - Annual report 2013 - page 88

The roleof glycine receptorsduring cerebral cor-
tical development
>AvilaAriel, LaboratoryofDevelopmentalNeuro-
biology, GIGA-Neurosciences
Awalk into random forests.Adaptationandappli-
cation toGenome-WideAssociationStudies
> Botta Vincent, Laboratory of Systems and
Modelisation, GIGA-SystemsBiologyandChemi-
cal Biology
New pro-death function of NIK downstream of
> Boutaffala Layla, Laboratory of Molecular
Immunology and Signal Transduction, GIGA-Si-
gnal Transduction
Le milieu conditionné de cellules souches
mésenchymateuses: une alternative promet-
teuse à la transplantation de cellules souches
mésenchymateuses après lésion de la moelle
> Cantinieaux Dorothée, Laboratory of Axonal
regeneration and cephalic pain, GIGA-Neuros-
The role of TGFalpha in mesothelioma chemo-
> Costa Chrisostome, Laboratory of Cellular and
Molecular Epigenetics, GIGA-Cancer
Pathobiologiedesanévrysmesde l’aorteabdomi-
nale: intérêts de la tomographie par émission de
positons/Pathobiologyof abdominal aorticaneu-
rysms: benefitsof positronemission tomography
> Courtois Audrey, Laboratory of Biology of
Tumour andDevelopment, GIGA-Cancer
The transcription factor Egr1 in zebrafish carti-
> Dalcq Julia, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
and Genetic Engineering, GIGA-Development,
Contribution of ephrin/Eph signaling in
mammalian auditory system development
> Defourny Jean, Laboratory of Developmental
Neurobiology, GIGA-Neurosciences
Cooperation between carboxy-terminal domains
of VEGF-A dictates its biological properties in
vitroand invivo
> Delcombel Romain, Laboratory of Connective
TissuesBiology, GIGA-Cancer
Regulation of excitability, pacemaking, and burs-
ting : insights fromdopamineneuronexcitability
> Drion Guillaume, Laboratory of Neurophysio-
logy, GIGA-Neurosciences
Molecular mechanisms of lymphangiogenesis:
> Erpicum Charlotte, Laboratory of Biology of
Tumour andDevelopment, GIGA-Cancer
Identification et caractérisation des sous-unités
ELP5et ELP6ducomplexeElongator humain
>GillardMagali, LaboratoryofMedicalChemistry,
GIGA-Signal Transduction
Détermination du rôle de l’interactome PAI-1/
uPA/uPARdans l’angiogenèse
> Herkenne Stéphanie, Laboratory of Molecular
BiologyandGeneticEngineering, GIGA-Cancer
Trimming the complexity of Ranking by Pairwise
> Hiard Samuel, Laboratory of Systems and
Modelisation, GIGA-SystemsBiologyandChemi-
cal Biology
Rôle des récepteurs Fgfs dans la formation des
> Larbuisson Arnaud, Laboratory of Molecular
Biology andGenetic Engineering, GIGA-Develop-
ment, StemcellsandRegenerativeMedicine
Contribution à l’amélioration de la prévention pri-
maire et secondaire du cancer du col de l’utérus :
recherchedebiomarqueursdeméthylationde l’ADN
etétudede l’acceptabilitéde lavaccinationanti-HPV
>MouallifMustapha, Laboratory of Experimental
Pathology, GIGA-Cancer
Importance of Transcription Factors and Coac-
tivators in the Regulation of Steroid-Dependent
>NiessenNeville-Andrew, LaboratoryofBehavio-
ral Neuroendocrinology, GIGA-Neurosciences
Construction of an interactomicmap of Ets fac-
tors and identificationof new functions inmRNA
> Rambout Xavier, Laboratory of Protein Signa-
lingand Interactions, GIGA-Signal Transduction
ORF9p: anewplayer in theVaricella-Zoster Virus
> Riva Laura, Laboratory of Virology and Immu-
nology, GIGA-Infection, Immunity and Inflamma-
Contribution à la gestion des défauts génétiques
dans la raceBlanc-bleuBelge
> Sartelet Arnaud, Laboratory of Animal Geno-
mics, GIGA-Genetics
Setting up of a humanizedmurinemodel for the
study of HIV-immune system interactions and
>SinghManeesh, Laboratoryof Immunologyand
Infectious Diseases, GIGA-Infection, Immunity
and Inflammation
The roleof epigenetics inangiogenesis
> Shiva Shankar TV, Laboratory of Cellular and
Molecular Epigenetics, GIGA-Cancer
Cellules immunocompétentes dans la métapla-
siedeBarrett etdans l’adénocarcinomeœsopha-
gien: un environnement inadéquat pour l’immu-
>SomjaJoan, LaboratoryofExperimental Patho-
logy, GIGA-Cancer
Functional characterization of microRNAs in
cerebral cortical development
> Volvert Marie-Laure, Laboratory of Develop-
mental Neurobiology, GIGA-Neurosciences
Insights into the mechanisms underlying the
oncogenic potential of BCL-3 through transcrip-
> Zhang Xin, Laboratory of Medical Chemistry,
GIGA-Signal Transduction
Contribution to linkage and associationmapping
of trait loci in livestock
>ZhangZhiyan, Laboratory of Animal Genomics,
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