The interview is scheduled with the candidates not later than 1 week in advance. Each candidate is asked to prepare a short (not more than 5-minutes) presentation in an open format that describes his/her personal and professional interests and research background. Slides are not allowed. Skype interviews are conducted by the SC.

Interview workflow:

a)    Introduction of the Selection committee members

b)    5 min presentation prepared by a candidate

c)    Questions to an applicant

d)    Questions from an applicant

e)    Conclusion

Selection criteria for Stage 3

During an interview, a motivation of an applicant to do a PhD and join the GIGA Doctoral School is assessed. English proficiency (ability to understand questions and fluency in spoken language) and communication skills is evaluated. Furthermore, professional competence and knowledge of an applicant is assessed.

After the Skype interviews selected applicants are invited to a Recruitment Day (RD) at the GIGA.

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