Promoting equal opportunities

Gender: GIGA is highly ranked in terms of gender equality and has comprehensive policies to ensure this is maintained. 53% of the GIGA members are females. The same gender balance is present at the managerial level. GIGA is managed by a male director and a female vice director. From the ten research and three support thematic units of GIGA, six are currently lead by female directors. Accordingly, the GIGA Doctoral School strives for gender balance at all levels. The selection of candidates is based on the above-defined quality parameters. For the final ranking, the Recruitment Committee makes serious considerations for gender-balance when finalizing the rank list of candidates.

Ethnicity: We anticipate and encourage a selection of candidates with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Researchers with special needs: GIGA and ULiège have solid policies in place for the accommodation of disabled employees. Facilities and buildings are generally accessible for persons with disabilities. Help and information will be provided for such candidates at later stages regarding the identification of the suitable housing. In the case of equality of candidates, the above mentioned groups will receive a priority in selections.

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