GIGA - Annual report 2022

25 GIGA-CRC Timely coupling of sleep spindles and slow waves linked to early amyloid-β burden and predicts memory decline. Chylinski D, Van Egroo M, Narbutas J, Muto V, Bahri MA, Berthomier C, Salmon E, Bastin C, Phillips C, Collette F, Maquet P, Carrier J, Lina JM, Vandewalle G. Elife. 2022 May 31;11:e78191. doi: 10.7554/eLife.78191. Effect of an 18-Month Meditation Training on Regional Brain Volume and Perfusion in Older Adults: The Age-Well Randomized Clinical Trial. Chételat G, Lutz A, Klimecki O, Frison E, Asselineau J, Schlosser M, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Mézenge F, Kuhn E, Moulinet I, Touron E, Dautricourt S, André C, Palix C, Ourry V, Felisatti F, Gonneaud J, Landeau B, Rauchs G, Chocat A, Quillard A, Devouge EF, Vuilleumier P, de La Sayette V, Vivien D, Collette F, Poisnel G, Marchant NL; Medit-Ageing Research Group. JAMA Neurol. 2022 Nov 1;79(11):1165-1174. Age-related differences in the neural correlates of vivid remembering. Folville A, Bahri MA, Delhaye E, Salmon E, D’Argembeau A, Bastin C. Neuroimage. 2020 Feb 1;206:116336. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116336. Epub 2019 Nov 5. GIGA-I3 Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Are Found in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluids of Horses With Severe Asthma and Correlate With Asthma Severity. Janssen P, Tosi I, Hego A, Maréchal P, Marichal T, Radermecker C. Front Immunol. 2022 Jul 13;13:921077. Anti-IL5 mepolizumab minimally influences residual blood eosinophils in severe asthma. Van Hulst G, Jorssen J, Jacobs N, Henket M, Louis R, Schleich F, Bureau F, Desmet CJ. Eur Respir J. 2022 Mar 17;59(3):2100935. Nanobody-based retargeting of an oncolytic herpesvirus for eliminating CXCR4+ GBM cells: A proof of principle. Sanchez Gil J, Dubois M, Neirinckx V, Lombard A, Coppieters N, D’Arrigo P, Isci D, Aldenhoff T, Brouwers B, Lassence C, Rogister B, Lebrun M, Sadzot-Delvaux C. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2022 Jun 6;26:35-48. Combined obstructive airflow limitation associated with interstitial lung diseases (O-ILD): the bad phenotype ? Guiot J, Henket M, Frix AN, Gester F, Thys M, Giltay L, Desir C, Moermans C, Njock MS, Meunier P, Corhay JL, Louis R. Respir Res. 2022 Apr 11;23(1):89. Antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron variants after third-dose BNT162b2 vaccination in allo-HCT recipients. Canti L, Ariën KK, Desombere I, Humblet-Baron S, Pannus P, Heyndrickx L, Henry A, Servais S, Willems E, Ehx G, Goriely S, Seidel L, Michiels J, Willems B, Goossens ME, Beguin Y, Marchant A, Baron F. Cancer Cell. 2022 Apr 11;40(4):335-337. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Injection in Crohn’s Disease Strictures: A Phase I-II Clinical Study. Vieujean S, Loly JP, Boutaffala L, Meunier P, Reenaers C, Briquet A, Lechanteur C, Baudoux E, Beguin Y, Louis E. J Crohns Colitis. 2022 Mar 14;16(3):506-510. GIGA-In Silico Medicine Shamo: A Tool for Electromagnetic Modeling, Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Head. Grignard M, Geuzaine C, Phillips C. Neuroinformatics. 2022 Jul;20(3):811824. Enhanced electrical conductivity and stretchability of ionic-liquid PEDOT:PSS air-cathodes for aluminium-air batteries with long lifetime and high specific energy. Machrafi H, Iermano F, Temsamani S, Bobinac I, Iorio CS. Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 21;12(1):22107. Modelling patient specific cardiopulmonary interactions. Cushway J, Murphy L, Chase JG, Shaw GM, Desaive T. Comput Biol Med. 2022 Dec;151(Pt A):106235. In Vitro, In Vivo, and In Silico Models of Lymphangiogenesis in Solid Malignancies. Bekisz S, Baudin L, Buntinx F, Noël A, Geris L. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Mar 16;14(6):1525. Ribosome exit tunnel electrostatics. Joiret M, Kerff F, Rapino F, Close P, Geris L. Phys Rev E. 2022 Jan;105(1-1):014409. GIGA-Medical Genomics Kinetics and Persistence of the Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses to BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine in SARS-CoV-2-Naive and -Experienced Subjects: Impact of Booster Dose and Breakthrough Infections. Desmecht S, Tashkeev A, El Moussaoui M, Marechal N, Perée H, Tokunaga Y, Fombellida-Lopez C, Polese B, Legrand C, Wéry M, Mni M, Fouillien N, Toussaint F, Gillet L, Bureau F, Lutteri L, Hayette MP, Moutschen M, Meuris C, Vermeersch P, Desmecht D, Rahmouni S*, Darcis G*. Front Immunol. 13:863554 (2022) Deeper insights into long-term survival heterogeneity of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients using integrative individual-and group-level transcriptome network analyses. Bhardwaj A, Josse C, Van Daele D, Poulet C, Chavez M, Struman I, Van Steen K. Sci Rep. 12(1):11027 (2022) Interpretable network-guided epistasis detection. Duroux D, Climente-González H, Azencott C-A, Van Steen K. GigaScience. 11 giab093 (2022) Novel Loss of Function Variant in BCKDK Causes a Treatable Developmental and Epileptic EncephalopathyBoemer F, Josse C, Luis G, Di Valentin E, Thiry J, Cello C, Caberg JH, Dadoumont C, Harvengt J, Lumaka A, Bours V, Debray FG. Int J Mol Sci. 23(4):2253 (2022) Association Between Human Gut Microbiome and N-Glycan Composition of Total Plasma Proteome. Petrov VA, Sharapov SZ, Shagam L, Nostaeva AV, Pezer M, Li D, Hanić M, McGovern D, Louis E, Rahmouni S, Lauc G, Georges M, Aulchenko YS. Front Microbiol. 13:811922 (2022)